XCR Event Manager

XCR Event Manager is  an app  for airport management. 

The project is about information design and  data visualization, the challenge is to  keep the  information easy to understand, at the same, the design should attract attention and to achieve these goals : we have to ask 2 questions

Who are your audiences? What is the information to be shown?

Uncover the real problem

The only  way to know how our  decisions affect users is to observe them interact with them ask them `More we Empathise with them, we know about them the more effectively we can design for them

Target and challenge

More than 16 services collaborate  on the airport. There are 3 services used this module : Administration. Runway.  Air Traffic Control ATC 



One of the biggest benefits of a flowchart is to develop a deep understanding of how process is done

That help us to be sure that we are on the same track before jumping to visualize our idea into design 


Problems solved

After define the problem with stockholder (lack of information, use old precess like  Excel files, old and cumbersome software). It’s time-consuming for the user.


The stockholders want to facilitate and reduce time to process by finding the relevant information without lifting a finger

XCR Event Manager experience bringing unbeatable insights


On-time performance, Delay minutes, N° of flights. Arrival punctuality, and more

All Devices

Real time benchmarking is available on every device type large screens tablets and mobiles

All Features

Unbeatable set of functions and features without any limitations

The main screens for responsive design

The details screens shows an accurate polar information  a comprehensive timelines to reveal the relevant information about specifics flight and parking update’s, in real time

dashboard tablet
parking tablet


I worked on this project as a Product  designer. Main areas of responsibility: 

  •  Management (sprint planning and weekly reviews)
  • UX analysis (Interviews, flows, persona and usability testing)
  • Design (daily iterations on the UI)

 « Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. design is how it works »  – Steve Jobs

 « Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication » – Leonardo da Vinci

 « Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity. » Albert Einstein

@ 2024 AbdelDesign